Sometimes timing is everything. If you recall hearing the name Neroli around April of last year, too, know there’s a reason for the cyclical nature of Neroli popping up in on your newsfeed. You see, the window for harvesting the flower that produces this exotic oil reaches its prime harvest window each year from mid-March to the end of April; so dōTERRA® brings Neroli Touch to the promotional forefront at this time of year on purpose! Orange blossoms must be handled quickly after picking to produce the highest quality essential oil, so there’s no time to waste in the steam distillation process. Neroli Touch is delightfully quick and easy to apply to pulse points throughout the day, bathing the wearer in a rich floral scent that was once not so easily accessible.
Neroli essential oil comes from the delicate white blossom of the bitter orange tree, whose leaves and fruit peel also produce unique oils of their own. In seventeenth century Italy, the oil of this blossom so completely enchanted a royal woman by the name of Anne Marie Orsini that she bathed in it. Anne Marie - or perhaps we should call her Lady Orsini to maintain some semblance of civility - was enraptured by the essence of the orange blossom; she absolutely couldn’t get enough of it. She reportedly scented her dress gloves with the fragrance before diplomatic meetings in order to leave a lasting, enchanting impression on other dignitaries. She resided as princess over a region known as Neroli, and from here you can probably guess how orange blossom oil came to be known by the mysterious sounding name it boasts!
Trendsetters were just as effective four hundred years ago as they are today, apparently. When one high-profile aristocratic woman adopted this sweet citrus flower as her signature scent, others naturally wanted to follow her example. I wonder how Princess Orsini would feel knowing that, centuries later, people still follow her aromatic example! Neroli makes a positively alluring addition to any floral oil collection. Known for encouraging relaxation and uplifting the mood, it’s a great daily perfume, whether or not your day includes a visit with royal dignitaries.
True to form with dōTERRA’s Touch collection, Neroli Touch contains just the right amount of Fractionated Coconut Oil and Neroli essential oil to create a smooth roll-on experience for on-the-go application to the wrists, neck, and sides of forehead. Beyond enjoying it for its beautiful perfume, you can also employ Neroli to help pacify anxious feelings when they arise. Let Neroli Touch minister to skin that needs soothing; and roll it directly onto the lower abdomen area to support digestive health. Roll-ons are a wonderfully easy way to layer multiple oils, so combine Neroli Touch on the skin with a favorite respiratory support oil, such as Eucalyptus or Tea Tree, or a favorite relaxing massage oil, such as Lavender or Ylang Ylang.
We who have already integrated dōTERRA into our daily routines know there’s a little bit of Princess Orsini in all of us. We all have that signature scent, that aroma that always leaves us wanting more, and probably also scenting our baths and showers with it! There’s a real power behind aroma, which is why now is the time to let Neroli Touch allure you into a new and royal floral experience.